понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I have mislaid yet another Dresden Book. I am Pissed. Bear is looking for it right now. This will make the 4th Dresden book the house has eaten. 1 was returned 1 turned up at the proper owners house and the 3rd is still MIA and now this one which is the one I was reading has gone AWOL> Not just mislaid for a bit either i have been hunting for it for a week.

I want to read. More I want to be able to return it to itapos;s person. So if my house elves or gnomes or chaos spirit or WTF ever keeps making off with them reads this enter, BRING BACK THE DAMNED BOOKS
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So, Themis came and we had a great time (me, anyway) We went out with a bunch of girls from my school for chocolate and then for crepes, which we ate at my house. But then when they left, at around 2 am, I told him "Letapos;s leave the dishes, Iapos;ll wash them tomorrow". He�gave me�the most surprised look Iapos;ve seen�and he said as if I was retarded :"Tomorrow?? The food on them will rot I could never fall asleep knowing that thereapos;s something I�havenapos;t done" *facepalm* That boyapos;s going to make a woman miserable someday by having her scrubbing and cleaning all the time Not that I had any problem washing them after all (except my usual boredom). I had drunk an extra stong coffee, a hot chocolate and 2 glasses of Coca Cola so I would stay up either way. But the perfectionism of him always surprises me I laugh even as I remember it
Another similar highlight: He asked me with a confused look: "Dimitra, do�you make your bed before you go to school or after you come back home?" And me, obiously: "I make my bed 2 minutes before someone comes over. And since hardly anyone comes, I hardly ever make my bed" Again picture Themis with the most shocked look on his face.
This morning, if you call 1 pm morning,�we went for coffee with another bunch of people from my school. I think Themis must have had future-lawyer overdose this weekend. We played Taboo at a cafeteria and we were screaming so loudly that they would have thrown us out, if the particular cafeteria wasnapos;t half empty most of the other times and a bit desperate for people.

From tomorrow, school again. Back to the incredibly boring (at least to most sane people, unlike me) lectures of History of Law and Constitutional History, Constitutional Law and International Organisations. And, for Themis, to Mechanics, Ecology and Building Materials. Momapos;s convinced that Iapos;m having such a bad time here that I count the days for Christmas to go back to Mytilene. I donapos;t know if I would exchange my life here in Komotene for Mytilene or even Athens. I think I like it here too much to leave. And itapos;s not just the fact that Iapos;m finally living my own life myself and for myself. Neither is it, I think, that�here I get to be�the university student I have so long dreamed of becoming (even though I, as ever, tend to whine about the�petiest of problems).�Of course those two facts offer Komotene a great priviledge�to�any other�city. I�most of all think that itapos;s the atmosphere of this�city that�is Greek and yet itapos;s�not only Greek, but�Muslim�as well. For example, you go to the mini-market and the woman that owns it speaks Greek to you and Turkish to the next customer. You hear the Muslim prayers just after the bells of the churches ring the hour. The drivers stop their cars for the pedestrians to cross the street, the natives are always willing to offer you whatever help they can, the cafeterias and the bars here are for all tastes, not to mention the wonderful sweets they make here and in Xanthi, a neighbouring big city. One of our professors told us this: "Thereapos;s a lot of crying for this city: All of us cried or almost cried when we were sent here and most of us will be crying when weapos;ll have to leave". At first I had thought he was crazy but now I�think I believe him.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Today is October 17th, therefor this marks twenty years clean for me. I havenapos;t done any street drugs in twenty years. On this day back in 1988, I went to rehab where I would the next six month in house recovery at nice little place outside of Barrie Ontario. Go Go Go Me :) I just thought of it now, itapos;s amazing how important date seem to slip away with time. My greater battles would be alcohol and tobacco, I quite drinking in 96 with several slips, the last in 2003 right after my mother died and my marriage was breaking down. I quite smoking in 2000 and havenapos;t touched a cigarette since. As for food, had the surgery in 2006 and everyday is a ongoing battle. No drugs in twenty years, no booze in 5 years, no cigarettes in 8 years, and 286lbs gone for good since 2006.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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iapos;m not talking about the blu-ray version but the standard dvd version. Iapos;ve heard mixed reviews. The ones that are critical about the set are complaining about the video quality of it, saying itapos;s too saturated and so on. The ones favoring the set are all about the extras on the dvds. Well, iapos;m not an extras guy, iapos;m more about the quality of the actual films. So, if any one has purchased it, could you tell me what you thought about this newly restored version?
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Okay, so on Tuesday I turned another year older.� Believe me when I say - getting older does not bother me - I am rather grateful for each year I am still here.� I had lots of well wishes and surprises and truly felt loved� What more could I ask for?� I am not telling you it was my Birthday because I want greetings etc..., I am telling you it was my birthday so I can share the most precious gift I have received in years.� I told David I didn't want anything before we went on our trip to Disney World - but, if you know David - he has to do something :)� Well....he had each of my daughter's right me a letter about how they felt about me or something I had done.� Imagine my surprise as I read their beautiful words and messages to me.� I was so touched and truly, there was no greater gift

I am so grateful for our daughters - they have been such a blessing to both of us.� Now I get to watch them as they continue to be the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent and independent women I have had the pleasure to know.� I hope they know what a great example they are to me and how much I love watching them tackle new challenges.

As I have said in many of my previous posts - work continues to be insane with lots of unanticipated changes� Much of my time is spent there right now so my posts are few and far between.� Please know, as opportunity arises, I do read many of your blogs even if I don't leave a comment.� I can't wait for life to settle down� Take care

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t know who is going to read this stuff... But I will post anyway, I should keep a journal of my life, even if it is readable by the public...

So, I am Krystyna. I am 21, and have a 4 year old daughter, Lillyanna. I am in a great relationship with Ron, my boyfriend. He is my soul mate. I normally donapos;t believe in�that kind of thing, but with him, I believe it. We live in Lodi, New Jersey, and we LOVE to travel. Just recently, we went to Boston for a weekend, that was a great getaway, and it allowed me to take all kinds of pictures. I LOVE�taking pictures Animals, kids, me, I dont care I just love capturing everything in my life in a picture.

Anyway, I am not too interesting.. I am pretty much your average mom... Except the fact that I am 21. I take my daughter to school every day, I go to work for 8 hours, I make dinner, and clean house. Thats basically my life I like chatting on Yahoo with my group of friends... And I love to explore new places. I have an iphone, so I will be posting pictures and adventures of ours on this blog.. When we have one.

I moved to New Jersey from Colorado last year. I like it out here, it is really cool to be only 10 miles from New York City. The food out here is wonderful I really enjoy the pizza But who doesnapos;t like pizza? :D

I have 2 cats, Jack and Daniel; and a dog, Bayleigh. Bayleigh is an Olde English Bulldogge. She is my baby :) I also have 2 fishtanks in the house, 1 saltwater, and 1 freshwater. I would say that the fishtanks are my hobby. I love to mess with them. I like adding new fish, decorations, and even the water changes are fun to me.. Maybe Iapos;m a little wierd, I donapos;t know.

Anyway, more to come soon I am at work, so I shouldnapos;t be on this site too long


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Our own place...we need to buy.

The floors supposedly take 2 months to darken (this is something I read online). The company our landlord is working with to replace the floors is so unorganized. I yelled at the office woman because she came into our apartment and said really we should have waited all weekend for the floor to cure...which my husband and I were never told and which really just burned me up.

Iapos;m the renter, so I donapos;t have to deal with them. The floor is scratching easily (more easily than the other one). We keep Oliveapos;s nails fairly short, but...

Itapos;s just stress I donapos;t want to deal with. I...want our apartment back. Everything is in limbo while they figure all these things out.

I hate dealing with this. My patience with it is waning.
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